
Showing posts from May, 2012

Medical Transcription Important Units - Lesson 316

This post is the continuation of the lesson 314 of Important Medical Transcription Units. Please memorize these units by reading them. All units are very important one when you do live transcription work or any other dummy files for transcription training. The next lesson will also be the continuation of this lesson. 1. IU - Internation Unit 2. IV - Intravenous 3. J- Joule 4. K - Kelvin 5. kg - kilogram 6. km - kilometer 7. L - litre 8. lb.- pound 9. m - metre 10. mA - milli ampere 11. mcg - microgram 12. mCi - millicurie 13. mEq/l - milli equivalent/litre 14. mg - millgram 15. mg/cc - milligram/cubic centimetre 16. mIu - milli internation units 17. mL - milli litre 18. mg/kg - milligram/kilogram 19. mmol - millimole 20. mOsm - milliosmol In the next post, we will see more important prefixes and suffixes. Okay. Home Page: To go to the prior post, please click the link below. htt...

Medical Transcription Suffixes and Prefixes - Lesson 315

In this lesson, we will see about important suffixes and prefixes. In the next lesson, we will see about important plural words used in medical transcription. These suffixes and prefixes are very much useful in live files and in practice files. Now we will see one by one. 1. Nephro- means pertaining to kidneys 2. -opsy means to view 3. ichtylo- pertaining to fish 4. -ectomy means excision of part or all of an organ 5. myelo- means pertaining to spinal cord 6. myo- means pertaining to muscle 7. neo- means new 8. infra- means situated below or beneath 9. pseudo- means false 10. dys- means painful or difficult 11. -genesis means condition of producing or forming 12. exo- means outside 13. -odynia means pain 14. -lysis means breakthrough 15. -a means without  16. -oma means tumor or mass 17. histo- means pertaining to tissue 18. -plasty means denoting plastic surgery 19. -scopy means pertaining to use of an i...

Medical Transcription Important Suffixes and Prefixes - Lesson 314

In this post, we will see about important suffixes and prefixes that are used in medical transcription. Even there are thousands of prefixes and suffixes, all medical transcriptionists should memorize these words. They are used often in all live files by physicians everyday. Please understand meaning of each word. Now we will about one by one now. 1. -tomy means cutting or incision 2.  -graphy means process of writing or process of recording 3.  oligo- means scanty or deficient 4.  super- means above or excessive 5.  inter- means between 6. -uria means pertaining to write 7. -pathy means disease 8.  post- means after 9.  -plasia means development or formation 10. -algia means denoting a painful condition 11. -osis means a condition, usually an abnormal condition 12. -rrhea means pertaining to flow or discharge 13. meno- means pertaining to menses 14. crypto- means hidden or concealed 15. myco- me...

Medical Transcription Important Units of Measurement - Lesson 313

Medical Transcription Units of measurement is the topic matter of this post. In the free medical transcription course lessons series, we are going to see this topic today. These units are used in denoting measurements and scales of healthcare related things.Measurements are used in food materials, drugs, equipment usages, and use of x-rays etc. As a free medical transcription course learner, you must all know about these unites importantly. Everyday doctors will dictate in all type of medical files about units. Now we will see about each unit one by one. 1. a.c. - ante cebum - before meals 2. ad lib - ad libitum - at pleasure 3. a.m. - ante meridum - morning 4. b.i.d. - bis in die - twice daily 5. C - Calorie 6. cc - cubic centimeter 7. cm - centimeter 8. cm3 - cubic centimeter 9. d - die - day 10. dL - deci litre 11. EU - Euphorium 12. F.- Faraday 13. ft. - fect 14. g - gram 15. gm - gram 16. gr. - gravida 17. hr. -...