
Showing posts from December, 2011

Information on Vertigo - Lesson 291

As of now, we have studied lessons about sense organs in our free medical transcription course series. In this post, we will learn about information on vertigo. What is vertigo? It is a sort of reeling sensation. It makes one feel like a sensation of losing balance. The main reason behind this abnormal condition is due to the intrusion in the inner ear. The person who is affected by vertigo will feel like the surrounding to be spun rapidly. The root causes of this whirling motion are labyrinthitis or acoustic neuroma. Labyrinthitis is the inflammatory condition of inner ear and acoustic neuroma is a benign tumor developed in the nerve that connects brain to the ear. Vertigo is sometimes accompanied by vomiting sensation, loss of balance, and over-sweating. Types of Vertigo: Some persons may feel vertigo sensation just for a few minutes or a few seconds only and then it may resolve. This condition is called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo or BPPV. In ...

Immunization Schedule for Babies - Lesson 290

Immunization schedule for babies is an important thing to maintain a child to prevent from some dangerous infections from viruses and also to maintain immunity. Immune vaccine shots should be applied to all children on a timely basis and should be followed by parents very carefully without fail. Now we will see the types of vaccines. There are BCG vaccines, DPT vaccine, oral polio vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, hemophilus influence type b vaccine, MMR vaccine (Mumps, measles, rubella), TT or tetanus vaccine. All these seven types of vaccines must be given to any child in certain time periods without any delay. Now we will see your baby's age and the vaccine for the age in weeks to months one by one. On birth of a child, BCG vaccine, oral polio and hepatitis B vaccine should be administered.  After the six weeks, DPT first one dose and oral polio second dose also should be administered along with hepatitis B vaccine second dose and hemophilus influence typ...

How to Heal Tinnitus? - Lesson 289

What is tinnitus? This is a sign of some ear diseases, such as Miniere's disease, abnormal bone growth in the middle ear, age-related hearing loss, chronic ear inflammation, inflammation in the labyrinth, and/or any other ear abnormalities. Tinnitus affects a person's day-to-day life activities if it is severe.  Making the patient relaxed would be a good treatment if this is the reason behind it. Medically tinnitus means tinkling sensation. In other words, tinnitus makes ringing sensation inside the ears. It is really a disturbing sensation for an individual. Tinnitus will happen in the ears even with the absence of any sounds from the surroundings. But it is not a disease kind, but it may exhibit as a symptom for any other underlying ear diseases. A drug named benzadiazepine, if consumes in high doses may cause tinnitus in the ears. Radio-surgery treatment using gamma knife, teflon device set-up, clearing wax from the ear canal are the c...

Otitis Media in Adults - Lesson 288

Chronic Serous Otitis Media: It is an abnormal condition of inflammatory condition in the middle ear and so serum is accumulated inside. Generally it occurs in between the tympanic membrane and the inner ear. The main symptom is earache. Otitis media is not a serious condition other than it creates pain inside the ear and it may heal in a one or two months time period. When a person is affected with it, a pressure sensation will happen in the eardrum i.e. tympanic membrane and so the area is painful. The main cause of otitis media is infection by some bacteria or virus or any fungus. The main bacterias such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and haemophilus influenzae, and viruses like RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). Cold condition may lead to this condition and so ear pains for a few days or weeks. Sometimes eardrum may break and so pus forms inside the ear. Small children are prone to otitis media generally under the 10 years of age. This can be visually found o...

Common Ear Diseases - Lesson 287

Free medical transcription course website provides you free lessons to learn the subject on a weekly thrice basis. Anyone who is interested in learning medical transcription can use these lessons for their reference while learning online or in any institutions. We will help you. Every once in a while, you should go through the medical terms learnt here and memorize them and these terms will be very useful when you involve in live medical transcription files. In this lesson, we will deal about common ear diseases, such as Meniere's disease and otosclerosis. In ear diseases, Meniere 's disease is one kind. Meniere's disease is an abnormality of the inner ear on the labyrinth. This disease happens when the pressure in the cochlea increases because of the increased pressure by endolymph. This affects normal balance and hearing ability. The main symptoms of Meniere's disease are tinnitus and increased sensitivity to louder sounds. Headache, vertigo, and nausea are also...

Diseases of the Ear - Lesson 286

In this post, we will deal with diseases of the ear , acoustic neuroma and cholesteatoma. We will also learn some important suffixes of ear. Due to the diseases in the ear, one person may get some hearing loss or pain and so the quality of the life is affected in all. In the more complicated conditions, deafness or brain tumor or paralysis may happen. To avoid such serious conditions, proper diagnosis and treatment at the right time is important. In hearing process, all the outer, middle, and inner ears take part. Sound waves from environment enter through the outer ear and travels through the middle ear through three small bones, named ossicles and then the sound wave travels inside the inner ear to vibrate the eardrum. Acoustic Neuroma: This is an abnormal condition in the ear of formation of a tumor on the eight cranial nerve in the brain that arises from acoustic nerve. The main symptom of acoustic neuroma is ringing in the ears, dizzines...

Medical Terminology for Ear - Lesson 285

Ear is the important organ in the body and in the medical language, there are many words related to it. We will see some important medical terminology for ear in this post. Ot/o means ear. Otomycosis is an abnormal condition of ear infection by a fungus. Otolaryngologist is a specialist who specializes in earn and larynx treatment. Ossicul/o means ossicle. Ossiculoplasty is a surgical procedure of reconstruction of ossicle. Myring/o means eardrum. Myringotomy is a surgical procedure to correct the eardrum. Staped/o means stapes. Stapes is the third bone of the middle ear. Stapedectomy is the surgical correction of stapes bone in the middle ear. Salping/o means auditory tube. The other name of auditory tube is eustachian tube. Salpingopharyngeal fold is a mucous membrane that is extended from the beneath of torus tubarius. Tympan/o means middle ear. The other meaning is eardrum. Tympanoplasty is the surgical procedure done to correct the eardru...

Ear Medical Combining Forms - Lesson 284

This post explains about medical combining forms about ear. Each medical word in the medical language consists of three elements, such as root, suffix, and prefix. Medical words are rooted from Latin language. We will see some important combining forms related to ears now. A combining form is the beginning of a medical word that is called prefix that is connected to the suffix of the with a connector named root /o/. For example, smyositis, it means pain in the muscles. In this word, my/o is the prefix connected to a suffix, itis, by a connector /o/. Ear Combining Forms Medical:  Audi/o is a word that means hearing. It also means the sense of sounds. For example audiography. It means recoding and editing of sound tracks. Mastoid/o means mastoid process. Mastoiditis means inflammation of the mastoid process. This is an extended portion projection beneath the temporal bone. Acou/o means also hearing. The example word is acoustics. It is the study of mechanical waves in gases....

Medical Terminology for Ear - Lesson 283

In the prior lesson, we have been introduced to the new ear medical terminology of a few important words. In this lesson also we will learn a few more imporant medical terminology for ear, such as, ossicle, oval window, perilymph, pinna, saccule, semicircular canals, stapes, tympanic membrane, and utricle. Learners should memorize these terms after reading the lesson and so it will be remembered while doing medical transcription files on a day-to-day basis. Utricle and Saccule:    These are the two vertebrate parts of the inner ear. The other name of the utricle is utriculus. Saccule acts as a bed of sensory cells in the inside of the ear. Saccule interprets movements of the head into neural pulses while the up and down movements. Both utricle and saccule work as balancing organs. Definition of Tympanic Membrane:   Tympanic membrane is an organ that splits the outer ear from the middle ear. The other name of this is eardrum. It helps to pass the sound wav...