Ear Medical Terminology - Lesson 282
In the free medical transcription course lessons, we are going to learn next about ear medical terminology words now. In the last lesson, we have learnt about auditory meatus, auditory nerve fibers, auricle, cochlea, and cerumen. In this lesson, we will learn about other ear medical terms, such as, endolymph, eustachian tube, malleus and incus bones, labyrinth, and organ of Corti. Ear Vocabulary Now we will see about endolymph and labyrinth and organ of Corti now in the lesson of ear medical terminology . Endolymph: This is a fluid like material present in the labyrinth part of the ear. Endolymph is in the inner ear. Labyrinth: In the inner ear, there are canal like structures. These canals contain other structures such as cochlea, saccule, utricle, and semicircular canals. Labyrinth looks like a maze. Organ of Corti: This part of the inner ear is a sensitive receptor of sound waves. Organ of Corti is found in the cochlea. Ear Ossicles: They are the smallest bones...