
Showing posts from May, 2010


Now in this post we will learn about the structure of the bone. In our human body there are 206 bones of different types are there. The thigh, lower leg, and upper and lower arm consists of long bones. These bones have large surface areas for muscle attachment and are very strong, are broad at the ends where they join with other bones. There are five types of bones in the human body. The five types are long, short, flat, irregular, and sesamoid. 1. Long bones:- These bones are comprised mostly of compact bone and lower amounts marrow, which is located within the medullary cavity, and spongy bone and are characterized by a shaft, the diaphysis, that is much larger in length than breadth. These bones are mostly present in the limbs, including those of the fingers and toes are long bones. Except the wrist, ankle, and kneecap these long bones are located in most. 2. Short bones:- These short bones are generally cube shaped and having a thin layer of compact bone surrounding a...


ALS is nothing but amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The other name of this disease is Lou Gehrig's disease. Amyotrophy means muscle wasting caused by disease of the nerves that supply to the muscles.  The cause is unknown yet medically. A- means nothing, myo-means muscle, and -trophy means growth, sclerosis means hardening or thickening. That is a state in which muscle gets hardened or thickened due to no sensation.   Our nervous system is of two types that is Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system (PNS).  Central nervous system includes brain and spinal cord and the nerves associated with it that is integrative and control centers of the body (central and autonomic nerves).  Peripheral nervous system consists of the cranial nerves (nerves that connect eyes, ears, nose, and mouth to the brain) and spinal nerves (nerves connect the brain to the hands and feet).  Peripheral nervous system is an extension of central nervous system, which unites ...


Now in this post we would learn about the remaining part of formation of bones. This Ossification is also called Osteogenesis which is the process of laying down new bone material by cells. Intramembranous ossification involves primitive connective tissue called mesenchyme, while endochondral ossification involves cartilage as a precursor. In most of the fracture, endochondral osteogenesis the most commonly occurring process healing can be done for the long bones which is treated by plaster of paris. Then what is intramembranous ossification? This ossification mainly occurs during formation of the flat bones of the skull but also the mandible, maxilla, and clavicles. Then what is Endochondral ossification? This ossification occurs in long bones and most of the rest of the bones in the body. An initial hyaline cartilage which continues to grow is involved.  Not only are calcium and phosphorous part of the hard structure of bone tissue but calcium is also st...


Now in this post we will learn about the formation and structure of bones.  FORMATION OF BONES:  Bones are complete rigid organs, which forms part of the endoskeleton of vertebrates. They are helpful to move, protect, and support the different organs of the body. They also produce red and white blood cells and store minerals. This Bone tissue is a kind of dense connective tissue as bones come in a different shapes and a complex internal and external structure. They are light in weight and yet strong and hard in order to fulfill their many several functions. This connective tissue is also called osseous bony tissue which is helpful for rigidity and a honeycomb-like three-dimensional internal structure. Osseous tissue consists of osteocytes also called bone cells which is surrounded by a hard, intercellular substance filled with calcium salts. During fetal development, the bones of the fetus are composed of cartilage tissue, which resembles osseous tissue and is more fl...


If you want to learn about FORMATION OF BONES AND THEIR STRUCTURES then read this article all the way to the end. Specifically, I'll cover bones are the rigid organs which are useful to protect, giving shape, and size to the body., The fetus bones when the child is in womb, are mainly composed of cartilage tissue. These tissues are less dense than the osseous tissues.  During ossification or bone formation the immature bony cells called osteoblasts replace the cartilage tissues. Bone tissue is reabsorbed and is digested by large cells called osteoclasts. Bones are the rigid organs which are useful to protect, giving shape, and size to the body. is vital to FORMATION OF BONES AND THEIR STRUCTURES. Because FORMATION OF BONES AND THEIR STRUCTURES couldn't even survive without Bones are the rigid organs which are useful to protect, giving shape, and size to the body.. Bones are mainly calcium deposits which is also called ossification or bone formation Relates to this because...


In this post we would learn about MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM, The musculoskeletal system is also called as locomotor system, which is helpful to provide form, support, stability, and movement to the body. This system includes bones, muscles, and joints. These are very important so that they have functions in the body.  1. BONES:  Bones give support to the framework around which the body is constructed, protect, and support internal organs. They also assist the body in movement because they are attached with muscles. The hematopoietic tissue, which is also called red bone marrow that manufactures blood cells. But the other parts of bone are very useful to minerals necessary for growth, such as calcium and phosphorous. The skeletal portion of the system serves as the main storage system.   2. MUSCLES: Muscles are attached to bones or to internal organs and blood vessels, and are responsible for motion or movement. These muscle cells contain contractile filaments, whic...


1. AD - Alzheimer's disease(dementia) 2. ADHD - Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 3. C.A. - Chronological age 4. CNS - Central Nervous system 5. DSM - Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 6. DT - Delirium tremens 7. ECT - Electroconvulsive therapy 8. I.Q. - Intelligent quotient. 9. LSD - Lysergic acid diethviamide (hallucinogen) 10. MAO - Monoamine oxidase 11. MA - Mental age 12. MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 13. PCP - Phencyclidine (hallucinogen) 14. SAD - Seasonal affective disorder 15. TAT - Thematic Apperception Test 16. THC - delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (active ingredient in marijuana) 17. WAIS - Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale. 18. WISC - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. Tags:  outpatient psychiatry, WAIS, WISC, psychiatry disorders, psychiatry treatment, clinical terminology, psychiatric terms, training terminology, psychology terminology,  ...


Now in this post we will learn about some prefixes and phobias. 1. a-, an- means no or not - apathy means absence of emotion. 2. cata- means down - catatonic stupor which means a type of schizophrenia in which the patient has a decrease in activity and reactivity to the environment. 3. hypo- means deficient or less than - hypomania means less activity. 4. hypo- means deficient or less than - hypochondriasis means abnormal cartilage of always feeling. 5. para- means abnormal - paranoia means delusion of persecution of mind. PHOBIAS:- 1. Air - Aerophobia 2. Animals - Zoophobia 3. Bees - Apiphobia or melissophobia 4. Blood or Bleeding - Hematophobia, Hemophobia 5. Books - Bibliophobia 6. Cats - Ailurophobia 7. Corpses - Necrophobia 8. Crossing a Bridge - Gephyrophobia 9. Darkness - Nyctophobia, scotophobia 10. Death - Thanatophobia 11. Dogs - Cynophobia 12. Drugs - Pharmacophobia 13. Eating - Phagophobia 14. Enclosed places - Claustrophobia 15...


Psychiatry medical terminologies: 1. -genic means produced by - psychogenic which means produced by mind. 2. -leptic means to seize hold of - neuroleptic drugs which means drugs hold the nerves. 3. -mania means obsessive preoccupation - kleptomania means obsessed for stealing. 4. -mania means obsessive preoccupation - pyromania means obsession for fire or heat. 5. -phobia means fear - agoraphobia means fear being left alone and feel anxious when away from familiar surroundings. 6. -phobia means fear - xenophobia fear of strangers. 7. -phoria means feeling or bearing - euphoria means good feelings. 8. -phoria means feeling or bearing - dysphoria means bad feeling. 9. -thymia means mind - cyclothymia means recurring alternate periods of hypomania and depression. 10. -thymia means mind - dysthymia means bad or difficult chronic disorder of mind. In the next post we will try to learn about some of the prefixes and phobias.          ...


Let us learn some of the Combining forms, Suffixes, and Prefixes and their Terminology. 1. anxi/o means uneasy or anxious, or distressed - anxiolytic means pertaining to leave anxiety. This type of drug relieves anxiety. 2. aut/o means self or own - autism means regressives into one self. 3. hallucin/o means hallucination or to wander in - hallucinogen is a substance producing hallucination which means sensory perception in the absence of any external stimuli, and an illusion is an error in perception in which sensory stimuli are present but incorrectly interpreted. 4. hypn/o means sleep - hypnosis means to sleep by touching them with his magic wand or by fanning them with his dark wings. Next lesson continues the psychiatric termi 5. iatr/o means treatment - psychiatrist is a person who treats mind. 6. ment/o means mind - mental which pertains to mind. 7. neur/o means nerve - neurosis which is a term used to describe mental disorders in which symptoms are distressin...