Now in this post we will learn about the formation and structure of bones. 
FORMATION OF BONES: Bones are complete rigid organs, which forms part of the endoskeleton of vertebrates. They are helpful to move, protect, and support the different organs of the body. They also produce red and white blood cells and store minerals. This Bone tissue is a kind of dense connective tissue as bones come in a different shapes and a complex internal and external structure. They are light in weight and yet strong and hard in order to fulfill their many several functions. This connective tissue is also called osseous bony tissue which is helpful for rigidity and a honeycomb-like three-dimensional internal structure. Osseous tissue consists of osteocytes also called bone cells which is surrounded by a hard, intercellular substance filled with calcium salts.

During fetal development, the bones of the fetus are composed of cartilage tissue, which resembles osseous tissue and is more flexible and less dense of a lack of calcium salts in the soft, cartilaginous bones occurs and spreads throughout the life of the individual after birth. The general replacement of cartilage and its intercellular substance by immature bone cells and calcium deposits is called ossification or bone formation.

Osteoblasts are the immature osteocytes that produce the bony tissue that exchanges cartilage during ossification. Osteoclasts where -clast means to break are large cells that function to reabsorb or digest bony tissue. The osteoclasts are also called bone phagocytes which digest dead bone tissue from the inner sides of bones and thus enlarge the inner bone cavity so that this bone does not become more thick and heavy. Whenever a bone breaks, osteoblasts lay down the mineral bone matter also called calcium salts, and osteoclasts remove excess bone debris.

On the proper supply of calcium and phosphorous to the bone tissue, this formation of bone is dependent for a large extent. These mineral must be taken for the body with sufficient amount of vitamin D. The passage of calcium through the lining of the small intestine and into the bloodstream, this Vitamin D is helpful. Osteoblastic activity produces an enzyme once calcium and phosphorous are in the bones that causes the formation of calcium phosphate which is a substance giving bone its characteristic hard quality.

In the next post we would learn remaining part of formation of bones.


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