Psychiatric disorders are also named as mental health disorders. This term may be useful in understanding several types of psychiatric disorders. Sigmund Freud's ideas of personality is made up of three major parts. They are id, the ego, and the superego.
This term should be used for more severe mental illness rather than some of the less severe types of psychological disorders. But Psychiatrists are able to declare medications and thus they tend to treat more difficult conditions than psychologists can treat with the therapy known as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
As earlier explained the terms the id represents the unconscious instincts and psychic energy present at birth and from there. Depending on the situation the basic drives according to the pleasure principle, seek sudden gratification. The id is believed in the thinking of the infants and to be manifest in the uncontrolled actions of certain mentally ill patients.
Whereas the ego is the central coordinating branch of the personality. It is the mediator between the id and outside world. It evaluates and assesses the reality of the situation and if necessary postpones the gratification of a need or drive until a satisfactory object or situation arises. This ego is perceived as being "self" by the individual.
The superego is the conscience and moral part of the personality. It follows the sense of discipline derived from parental authority and society. For example, the feelings which are guilty arise from behaviour and thoughts which do not conform to the standards of the superego.
In the next post we would learn about psychological disorders.
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